Re: [stvkr-a-fotos] Old GM buses still in service


In einer eMail vom 27.10.2010 01:02:21 Westeuropäische Sommerzeit schreibt

Hi Harald,
<<Are there anywhere buses left, which where looking very much like
PCC-streetcars (I don´t know their designation)?>>

Not sure if you meant these:
( they were built from 1940 to 1969 and were replaced by the
New Looks. There are a few in museums but none in actual service.

Exactly these buses!


There were over 3600 of that model built and this page:
( gives details of who
used them and has a list of preserved units,

Thanks for the link.

As these buses where built from 1940 onwards I presume they mainly
replaced the streetcars in many places. As they where looking very similar to the
PCC-cars presumably many people even did not notice the change over from
streetcar to bus.

Greetings and best wishes